Fundamentals of Tobacco Interventions


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Tobacco Products

A cigarette is a highly engineered drug delivery device that is designed to transfer nicotine to the brain as quickly as possible, which creates a greater potential for addiction. In fact, cigarettes deliver nicotine to the brain in as little as 10 seconds (Zevin, Gourlay & Benowitz, 1998).

While many of your clients may smoke cigarettes, you should be aware of other types of tobacco products. Your clients may use more than one product and their use may impact their ability to quit tobacco.

The information below outlines types of other tobacco products as well as the harms associated with their use.


Take a moment and reflect on the various types of tobacco products that your clients use. Do you routinely ask your clients if they use other tobacco products beyond cigarettes? What are some questions you can ask your clients to ensure that you are capturing all individuals who use tobacco?