A Helpful Tool

Agenda Mapping is a tool that can be used when you are presented with a scenario like Katrina’s – your client presents with multiple areas of possible behaviour change.

Topics are not wide open


There is no clear primary focus


OARS skills (Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflections, and Summary Statements) can be used when engaging in an agenda mapping conversation with your client.

Why is it Effective?

Agenda Mapping is an effective strategy because it can:

  • Help you and your client choose an area of focus in a collaborative and efficient manner.
  • Inform the development of a “map” so that you and your client can both see where you might go
  • Provide a flexible plan as the focus can always be re-examined or changed depending on how things progress through the client’s journey.

How can it be used?

Agenda Mapping can be used for a variety of purposes including:

  • Helping your client focus on a behaviour change, particularly if they are feeling stuck or overwhelmed.
  • Engaging your client before you begin the appointment. For example, you can ask your client to fill out an agenda mapping bubble sheet (see example on the next page) before they arrive or while they are in the waiting room
  • Raising a topic that you may find challenging or difficult to discuss.


Have you used agenda mapping in your practice? If so, how did you use it? How did your approach work?