Getting to Know Analise

You are about to talk with Analise, a 54 year old female client. This is your first appointment with Analise, who has been referred to you by her respirologist.

The following chart will provide you with a detailed description of the issues impacting her health and wellness:

Description of Client
Name Analise
Age 54
Gender Female
Family Married for 30 years

Two adult sons (26 and 24)

Lives in a suburb close to a major city

Owns her home
Presenting Issue COPD diagnosis

Seeing her respiratory therapist for ongoing education
Tobacco Use Status Smokes 20 cigarettes per day
History of Tobacco Use and Quit Attempts Began smoking daily at 16 years old

Has tried to quit four times (all cold turkey)

Longest time remaining quit was two months (Relapsed because still had cravings and her partner smoked in the home)
Time to First Cigarette 30 minutes after waking
Withdrawal Symptoms Irritability

Difficulty concentrating

Sleep disturbance

Intense cravings
Environmental Triggers She and her partner smoke inside their home

Her two adult children do not smoke and no longer live in the family home
Behavioural Triggers Enjoys smoking with her morning coffee, after meals and when watching television

Smokes more if she drinks alcohol

Stress at work is also a trigger
Biological Issues

Medical/Physical Issues

Psychological Issues
Complains of withdrawal as a major trigger
Can’t tolerate more than a few hours of not smoking

Height: 5’2” Weight: 190lbs

No history of diagnosed mental illness.
Did have the “baby blues” after both of her sons were born
Current/Past Substance Use Caffeine: Two large cups of coffee daily and one cup of tea every evening

Alcohol: Two or three glasses of wine per week

Cannabis: Used occasionally as a teenager but denies any current use
Supports Two sons are supportive of her quitting. They have never smoked and do not like that their parents smoke. They are both concerned for her health.

Partner has never tried quitting before. He is ambivalent only because he knows it’s important for Analise to quit. He would be willing to give it a try.
Current Stressors Her diagnosis of COPD has been a big stressor

Has trouble going for long walks which is something she did with her partner
Income/Employment Works as an assistant manager at a distribution warehouse

Partner works as a finance clerk for a hospital downtown
Education College diploma
Access to Health Services Belongs to a family health team

Sees her respirologist regularly
Adverse Childhood Events Her parents divorced when she was 10 years old

She experienced this as a traumatic event because her parents fought for many years and the divorce was not amicable

She and her only sister were separated for a while as the parents tried to take one child each
Family Parents are deceased (both passed away at an early age)

Her father died of lung cancer and her mother of complications due to diabetes
Strengths Has quit four times before and longest quit was for two months

Good relationship with partner and children

Family is supportive of her quitting

Works full-time and has little financial stress

The following information is noted in her chart:

Recent diagnosis of COPD. Client has already received some information (brochures, websites) on living with COPD. Her respirologist, Dr. Chin has referred Analise to you to provide additional information on managing her COPD, weight loss, increasing physical activity and quitting smoking.

Now that you know more about Analise, click on the following screen to begin the appointment.