First Appointment (Question 5)

You have made an effort to elicit Analise’s agenda. You have given her time to share her concerns and above you have also suggested new topics (i.e., stress management) that she hasn’t mentioned directly but could be linked to other priority areas. However, there is one topic that is a high priority on your agenda that Analise hasn’t mentioned yet – her smoking.

How would you raise your priority area of smoking with Analise?

Select the best response:

I noticed you forgot to mention your smoking. That’s important to include, let’s add it to our list.

Okay, you feel like this list is comprehensive. We’ve captured everything and you’re ready to start talking about what’s most important. Alright then, tell me more.

Another possible topic just occurred to me as we were reviewing your list. It’s something we haven’t discussed yet but I noticed that Dr. Chin indicated on your referral form that you smoke a pack of cigarettes per day. So I’m wondering about this. Is it accurate and if so, how do you feel about your smoking?

Thanks for creating this fairly comprehensive list. But to be frank, I feel obligated to add one more topic to this list, your smoking. The referral form indicated that you smoke a pack of cigarettes per day. As your Respiratory Therapist, I simply can’t ignore the one thing that will have the biggest impact on your COPD.