First Appointment (Question 2)

You respond with: “Yes, I’d say so. It sounds like you have an awful lot of stressors on your plate right now and you’re doing your best to keep yourself afloat and your loved ones afloat. I imagine just getting yourself here and keeping this appointment was no easy task, especially when you’re feeling pulled in all different directions. You must be committed to your health.”

Analise responds:

“Look, I know COPD is bad. Dr. Chin gave me a stack of pamphlets and I know I need to make some changes. If I need more information about COPD I can google it. I really have to focus on other things right now. To be honest, I probably should have cancelled this appointment."

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This is a crucial point in the conversation. How do you proceed? Select the best response:

Cancelling this appointment would have been a mistake. Have you read those pamphlets Dr. Chin gave you yet?

You are trying to be a good mother and wife. Your family is the priority right now.

I know you are trying to take care of your family but how can you do that if you get very sick?

You know COPD is serious and you need to make some changes but you’re feeling ambivalent about coming today because you’re not sure this is the best use of your time. I wonder if we could step back and broaden our focus for a few minutes so I can get an even better idea of everything that’s on your plate right now? How does this sound?